2019 was a crazy year in terms of projects. There has been a lot on the table with more comics being developed, while others are being completed. Susan and I have still been chugging away on NIX, and I have also still been developing one off stories to complete a Starlight Movers book with 4 individually contained stories within it to build out the world.

The Convention schedule has slowed down in order for us to refocus on creating, Susan has been heavily involved with her RPG community along with wrapping up her LIS series. We both want to continue creating worlds together, and we have more stories to tell.
I have been busy working on a 2d animated adventure game project that we can show off in 2020 sometime as well as continuing the work on NIX with Susan, & Starlight Movers with Jason Weesner and Greg Eichholzer and other projects.

I will be posting more updates in the upcoming months, as well as some convention dates for 2020. Stay tuned!